英语单词分类 轻松记单词

fall ill

英 [fɔ:l il]

美 [fɔl ɪl]

生病; 闹病; 受病

  • 网络解释

1. fall ill的解释

1. 生病:相关短语 Related Phrases | fall ill 生病 | be ill with 生病

2. 患病,病倒:fall saleep 入睡 | fall ill 患病,病倒 | far away 遥远的

3. 病倒:fall in love with 开始爱上 | fall ill 病倒 | fall into step 步调一致

4. 患病:164.face to face 面对面的 | 165.fall ill 患病 | 166.fall in love with 爱上...

If I fall ill, I will stay home.(如果我病了,我会待在家里。)
I am very healthy, and I almost do not fall ill.(我非常健康,我几乎不生病。)
She fall ill, too.(她也生病了。)
It is easy for the old to fall ill in winter.(老年人很容易在冬天生病。)
She is afraid her husband will fall ill if he doesn't get rid of his bad habit of smoking both at home and at work.(如果丈夫不改掉在家和工作时都抽烟的坏习惯,她担心他会因此而生病。)
In the motel, if you fall ill, you can call for the motel doctor.(在汽车旅馆,如果你病了,你可以叫旅馆医生。)
If I fall ill, I'll see my doctor.(如果生病了,我会去看大夫。)
People often fall ill because of cold weather.(人们经常因为天冷而生病。)
What if I fall ill while I'm away on holiday?(如果我在放假时生病了怎么办?)
Jack looks as if he is going to fall ill.(杰克看上去好像要生病的样子。)
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